Resources for OA Members


Recovery from food compulsion in Overeaters Anonymous is an ongoing process for most of us. While many OA members have a short list of go-to pieces of literature we use when we need extra help or want to be inspired, there are actually many resources at our disposal.


Below is a partial list of resources some of us have found useful in our recovery from compulsive eating. If you know of an OA resource you would like added to the list, please email with your suggestion.




OA Service - An Untapped Resource

OA members are encouraged to give back to OA what was so freely given to us by being of service to other members and OA as a whole.
In just about every form it takes, service is about carrying the message of OA recovery to those who still suffer from the impact and effects of the disease.
Service can take many forms:
  • Starting a new OA meeting
  • Becoming a sponsor
  • Calling newcomers to see how they’re doing
  • Volunteering to be a Group Representative at TPI
  • Getting involved in event planning for OA conventions and retreats